We have a list of reviews under title and author for you to search at your convenience. We wanted to provide both, as people have different preferences. We also have an average book ratings sorted by title and highest to lowest rating. Additionally we have a bloggers page where we will list every blogger that has posted a review on this site.
If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns feel free to email either Katie or myself at:
Alice: thereaderroom (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk
Katie: callmecrazyreviews (at) rocketmail (dot) com
We made this blog because we wanted to make a place where you can easily find reviews. We want it to be fun searching for reviews, not frustrating. We will also be having weekly blog posts ranging from "highest rated book of the week" to "new releases we love" to "great bloggers"! It will be a lot of fun (promise).
If you would like your reviews to be posted on this blog you can email either Katie or myself with the links for each review with the name, author and the name of your blog.
We hope you love this idea as much as we do and we would love for you to help to grow. You can place our buttons (made by the fabulous Katie) to your blogs too. Aren't they great?
So just have a look around and we would love to hear your feedback!
- Alice
This is such a great idea, I have put the button on my blog. :D
ReplyDeleteWill send you some review links later. Thanks for setting this up.
Thank you so much Becky :) No problem!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! Have added the button to my blog!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
My Bookish Ways
Already sent you an email and will now be adding your really cute button on my blog! :D
ReplyDeleteBrush Up On Your Reading
Thank you both!
ReplyDeleteI just sent a list over to you guys! It's only a handful of the reviews on my site, but I think this is a great idea!
ReplyDeleteThats is a super idea!!!:D
ReplyDeleteAre there any rules to which book you review other than the fact that it should be YA??
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